GEC Community Foundation Program

GEC Community Foundation, Inc.
The GEC Community Foundation, Inc. is an independent, non-profit, charitable organization that awards grants for educational, social, and other charitable purposes.
Since 2005, the GEC Community Foundation has awarded grants to deserving schools and community organizations. The Foundation assists qualifying schools and organizations with grant monies in the areas of education, health and rural development. The funds are open to eligible entities within Grundy Electric Cooperative's 12-county service area which includes Harrison, Mercer and Grundy counties and portions of Linn, Livingston, Daviess, Gentry, Putnam, and Sullivan counties in Missouri and portions of Ringgold, Wayne and Decatur counties in Iowa.
The Foundation, which is operated on a volunteer basis, is primarily funded through the Operation Round-Up Program.
This program allows GEC members and customers of the Public Water Supply District Number 1 of Grundy County to voluntarily “round up” their utility bill to the next even dollar. Member donations from Operation Round Up are used to fund grants, not revenue from Grundy Electric. When a member of the cooperative agrees to participate in Operation Round Up, they are donating pennies each month to the Foundation by rounding up their electric bill. These pennies are used each quarter to fund grants to schools and other civic organizations. The PWSD Round-Up funds are disbursed solely to projects located in Grundy County. For an average of $6.00 per year participating patrons assist in funding local community projects.
Qualified applicants must be a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization or other eligible entity and may apply for a grant by completing a Grant Application with supporting information.
Quarterly grant deadlines are set the first day of January, April, July and October.
To apply, complete the Grant Application (Fillable PDF). Questions, contact Megan Taul at 1-800-279-2249 ext. 22 or